Monday, October 18, 2010

Overcome Blackheads (Eminence Skin Care)


Smooth facial skin without blemishes, pimples, or even blackheads, indeed everyone's dream. Especially for those of you who really care about the appearance of skin. Blackheads that interfere with your appearance should be thrown away from your facial skin.

Blackheads itself is a dirt plug the pores in the form of small, black or white. Blackheads appear due to the accumulation of excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells. Blackheads are formed due to blockage of oils or make-up is trapped under the skin. Blackheads are also the most common skin problems experienced by everyone. Although no cause swelling and other skin irritations such as pimples, blackheads still reduce the beauty of the face, if present in large quantities. Eliminating blackheads can not be done by pressing. Due to the squeeze, it will stimulate acne blackheads become purulent. Another impact is that it can cause infection, and worsen the condition of the face.

There are several things you can do to deal with blackheads, which are:
Select the right facial cleanser
The right cleanser can make the skin really clean, fresh, and chewy.
Usually blackheads easily appear on oily skin. By knowing your skin type, you can more easily choose the appropriate facial cleanser product, so the face will be clean of oil. The face would be really clean, fresh, and chewy. Such conditions will make the blackheads do not appear.

Select the correct facial products
Choose a moisturizer that is suitable for the type of skin you have. For normal and oily skin, use oil free moisturizer.

Clean up immediately makeup on the facial
After a day of activities using heavy makeup, then immediately wash your face of makeup. There are some make up that contain comedogenic substances that can cause blackheads, such as solid powder is a product that contains the most high-comedogenic substances. The use of solid powder is too long, not just blackheads, but can also cause acne. Therefore do not let you sleep still using makeup on your face.

Use egg white mask
Take little later whipped egg whites, then dip the cotton and paste around the nose or facial region contained blackheads. Allow a few moments until the egg white mask is dry. Then slowly lift the cotton, and you will see the results. Blackheads will be lifted and attached to the cotton.

Use a potato mask
You also can use the potato as a mask blackhead remover. The trick is, grate a potato, then paste it using a face like a mask, after 20 minutes wash with warm water and rinse with cold water. Do it diligently, every day, within a week the results will be visible.

Both ends meet your bodies
Especially for the health of your skin, multiply the intake of fruits and vegetables that can nourish the skin. Also limit your consumption of foods that have excessive levels of excess fat. Among them are chocolate, nuts, eggs, cheese, avocado, durian, all types of milk, fried, coconut milk, fat, shells, etc..

Apply a healthy life
Enough sleep and rest, avoid stress. At the time of declining body condition, the germs easily enter the body.
So, easy isn't it to overcome blackheads. From now say good by to blackheads.

Beautiful Skin
Eminence Skin Care

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